So, I'm caught up with the first season of desperate housewives. i watched all the episodes. I went to Science World to see about volunteering this winter. i will be in the special exhibits gallery. right now it's occupied by an exhibit called playing with time. it's a really fun exhibit. I got the opportunity to play in there for awhile on monday afternoon. mom and dad would love it. i had a hard time deciding where to choose to volunteer, but this gallery is quieter and more interesting to me. the other choice, my second choice is the search gallery. i would have loved to be in charge of the "discovery boxes" this gallery is for younger children and the discovery boxes are fun. things like bones, and casts of fossils, and rocks, and x-rays, etc. but i think the gallery i chose is best for me.
i work tonight and have thursday/friday off. i am finally getting my hair dyed again, my roots are tremendously awful. then it's off to a lounge with some girlfriends of mine. Friday is our anniversary dinner. i think we'll go to the same place as last year. it's fun to get the chef's menu. it's always an adventure. anyway, take care, m
i work tonight and have thursday/friday off. i am finally getting my hair dyed again, my roots are tremendously awful. then it's off to a lounge with some girlfriends of mine. Friday is our anniversary dinner. i think we'll go to the same place as last year. it's fun to get the chef's menu. it's always an adventure. anyway, take care, m