Wednesday, October 19, 2005

So, I'm caught up with the first season of desperate housewives. i watched all the episodes. I went to Science World to see about volunteering this winter. i will be in the special exhibits gallery. right now it's occupied by an exhibit called playing with time. it's a really fun exhibit. I got the opportunity to play in there for awhile on monday afternoon. mom and dad would love it. i had a hard time deciding where to choose to volunteer, but this gallery is quieter and more interesting to me. the other choice, my second choice is the search gallery. i would have loved to be in charge of the "discovery boxes" this gallery is for younger children and the discovery boxes are fun. things like bones, and casts of fossils, and rocks, and x-rays, etc. but i think the gallery i chose is best for me.

i work tonight and have thursday/friday off. i am finally getting my hair dyed again, my roots are tremendously awful. then it's off to a lounge with some girlfriends of mine. Friday is our anniversary dinner. i think we'll go to the same place as last year. it's fun to get the chef's menu. it's always an adventure. anyway, take care, m

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I'm going to rogers to get the first season of desperate housewives!! Exciting. i'm going to watch it tonight. delightful. it seems that since it is slowing down at work, my schedule will soon be re-vamped. not to worry, still going to be there loads of time. but serving and making moneymoneymoneymoney. i will keep you 'posted'. love to all M

Sunday, October 02, 2005

It's me again.....just to clarify the mis-quote on my father's blog, it was in fact only me who fell asleep during Hitchhiker's guide, and i have actually dedicated some time tonight to watch it, as it has garnered as much attention of late, on dad's blog one could argue, as his distaste for Bush. phew, long run-on i know. i just finished a whole unit of my course online. and my brain is beginning to give up. (just the right time for a movie.) hope you all watched desperate housewives tonight. i am still catching up, so i will rent the first season and have a marathon night soon.

let's see, what is new?

we had a great bruch today at the restaurant. not busy enough though. i really enjoy the brunches there. but i really really enjoy them when we're all running off our feet. then sometimes, only sometimes, i get to have the rest of the day for margot things. YAY, like today. Rolf Moeller (the gladiator trainer in Gladiator) came in for brunch today. he is big man! he likes to eat meat! very nice though. I'm told he was in the scorpion king too. (sorry, didn't see it.) our apartment complex is giving away free pool cards this month cause they took 6 months instead of 2 months to renovate the area around it. it was closed all that time. imagine, no jacuzzi for 6 months. well, i can't wait to use it.

goota go watch that movie (dad), so take care, m

Saturday, October 01, 2005

did i mention i bumped my head today?.......
Hello, oh my god it's been 2 days since i've blogged. what will everyone think? (a little sarcasm there). but seriously, on fridays there is no way i'm gonna blog. it's the sacred day for us. our whole day together. we watched hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (2 h's side-by-side mom?) looks right......anyway, i should clarify, i started to watch hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, and about 20 mins into it i fell asleep. but i had to work a long day today, so i think i can be forgiven. i probably won't watch it tonight either. but from what little i saw, ......cinematic excellence. (oh oh more sarcasm) i'm obviously tired. I should stop before i get outta hand. i got a call from mom today. a message because i was a work, but it sounds like she had a great day. nudge nudge wink wink. know whot a mean? i know dad gets the reference. i'm glad her day went well, because well, i love my mom, and want her to be deliriously happy every single day. and i know she deserves it. so, with that i say take care, m