Thursday, September 29, 2005

well, a rainy day in vancouver, and reading while cozying up with a hot chocolate is the plan. i definitely have to get some studying done. joel is out and for the first time in awhile, i am on my own. it's far too tempting to just be a couch potato. i am going out for late drinks with a friend of mine from the kettle tonight. it'll be good to spend time getting dolled up and go somewhere nice. always lifts a gal's spirits. im hoping that tomorrow joel and i have a great day together. he' been feeling under the weather for a bit. my glands are swelling up so i am going to take some echinacea. take care, m

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

So, here i am again.....making an effort. I didn't call my folks today, but i trust that all went well with the doctor (for mom). I know it was just a general meeting, but i am hoping that it was productive and positive. I am home from work and phew, what a day. seminar in the afternoon and busy shift at night. but a ray of sunshine, Nancy Robertson, who plays wanda on corner gas, came in for dinner tonight. She is lovely and incredibly warm and down to earth. i am thrilled to say that she will be in more often and wow, so generous. so, i am going to bed now....goodnight all. M

Monday, September 26, 2005

Okay, so here I am. Home from the Peg. Mom is doing well. I have a lot to be thankful for. I won't repeat the details because Dad did it so well in his blog, but suffice it to say that all is looking good. I have so much to do to catch up on school. I will study a bit today. I have to work at 3, so I don't have much time. I am lucky they all covered me at work this last week.

Joel is busy with aquariums today. It's the usual monday rounds. maintenance day today. I won't see him until later on tonight. But we had a nice evening of relaxing yesterday. he moved all (well almost all) of the furniture around while i was gone. we had talked about doing that, so it was a nice surprise to come home and find it done. he also made spaghetti for dinner. i am continuing to enjoy that treat. anyway, later, M