I have just finished a Sake Seminar here at the restaurant. I put it together, but another gentleman, with all the knowledge, of course did it. I am disappointed because most , in fact come to think of it, all of the serving staff didn't show. I know that a few of them couldn't make it b/c of day jobs, and such, but I am highly disappointed. I wrote each server a letter to express that and it made me feel better. It's always nice to tell someone when they disappoint you. Instead of dealing with anger internally. I take my job very personally, and I am passionate about what I do. I know I made that very clear to each and every server that didn't show up. On the flipside, a lot of our server's assistants came, and were eager to learn. All of our bar staff were here. and our whole management team. I am so very frustrated with "servers" they whine whine whine bitch and complain about everything. They put in their two cents to everybody, and ask for more tastings, and team-building stuff, but then they pull a no-show and FRUSTRATE the hell out of me. They cry over having to work an extra hour, or staying 20 more minutes for their table to leave, and all the while, taking for granted the amazing management team we have. It sometimes makes me want to scream. I tell you what though. this is working. I feel better already. I just wish that they could all read this, and I think in the future I will do like other restaurants and hire only previous managers. It tends to work better.
Still through the anger, sending out all kinds of good karma, Margot
Still through the anger, sending out all kinds of good karma, Margot