Saturday, January 10, 2004

Hello Everybody,

I am enjoying an extended weekend as one of our other managers is going away on holidays soon, and I will be working like a dog. Welll......okay, not like a dog. But I will be working. So, my email is proving quite the networking tool for the photog world. I am getting all kinds of calls for submissions, volunteer requests and basic in the loop stuff. I belong to VAPA it's an association (network if you will) for all those "not so famous YET" and those "famous" photogs to commiserate with each other. We mingle, share ideas, encourage, and (there's that word again) network. Yes, that pretty much sums 'er up. One of my Focal point teachers is the president of VAPA. So, it was a logical step for me. I have been reading my mother's short stories. They are very good. They are aimed at pre-teens. A level of childhood development she knows very well. (after all, she lives with my Dad! hehehe.) She has an active imagination, and, well, I guess so do they. But the ideas, the plots, are those that an adult can appreciate as well. She always said, "write what you know" Sometimes, for me, I think it's not that easy. I don't know if i tell my parents enough that i am proud of them. My Mom is a beautiful, kind, intuitive, respectful teacher with an unbreakable spirit. My Dad is an equally strong spirit, teeming with generosity, perseverance, love and a fantastic sense of humour. They both have so much to share. So, guys, I guess if I don't say it enough, well, there. I just did.

I hope everyone is healthy, happy, and full of love.
Sending out all kinds of good karma, Margot

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Hello Everybody,
We had a ton of snow this last week, it has all melted in the Downtown area, but not in the outlying areas. Joel went snowboarding yesterday for a long time. There was over 300 cm of snow on Cypress, and he said it was heavenly, (except for the tree) I'll let him tell you abut that. I am giving my poor feet a nice juicy pedicure tomorrow night. I will paint them a rich red and give them a well-deserved soak in our foot spa. Miraculous inventions, those. Sorry Mom, fragment. Oops, another. heehee. Hope that all of my family is doing well. I am warming up now as the temperature has been VERY cold here. It's better now, but you know, cold isn't cold unless there's humidity and it's the kind of cold that sticks to your ribs. Kinda like Oatmeal. It penetrates your bones. (hee hee I said "penetrates".) Ten points for me. I am just finishing up at work and I am thoroughly enjoying Coldplay. I highly recommend it. I am back at the gym, albeit not frequently yet, but I am working my way up. I have a busy spring. I will be taking a wine course and I am hoping to do Yoga regularly. I would also like to include to my roster a photog course. I am hoping for something to stretch my visual and mental muscle. It needs a good stretch, so do my hamstings. and biceps, and delts, etc. I am experiencing tight hands for the first time this winter. I don't know if we can classify it as arthritis yet. Okay, okay, I can hear the groans. But, you know arthritis does not (what's the word.......................p....I don't know, but It can happen to anyone. Anyone know which word I am searching for? Anyone anyone? Oh, well. I am going to leave now.

Sending out all kinds of good karma, Margot